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Photography by David Field


There is nothing more inspiring than the roots of our existence from which we grow to learn, find beauty and happiness. Immersing ourselves in the whimsical, alluring heart of nature, whether it is the cleansing smell of trees, the warmth of the sunshine, or the company of another. Observations on how life interacts with itself, how the conditions in which things are born, how they grow and affect each other, all have an effect on the world. We are all part of the tree of life.
Both trees and people begin life as a seed, grow and flourish in their own unique way, and pass on. I begin at the roots of my childhood and branch out into my experiences as a person and an artist. I waver between taking control of the materials and techniques and embracing what I cannot. Mistakes are not faults but treasures that make the work more unique. Rather than working from sketches or renderings, I prefer to follow the organic process of creating work that parallels the correlation between humans and trees.
My work reveals the little beauties that trees and nature bestow, highlighting the relationship we have with them. The treasures from my woodland adventures serve as a proxy for the experience. My artistic process allows me to breathe a new life into preexisting entities. Things of the past are given a new life to live on as jewelry. My work evokes childhood memories of climbing trees, collecting rocks and sticks, but also encourages new experiences. This is your nature experience.
“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.” Aristotle

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